Why SEO is Cheaper than Paid Traffic and Pay Per Click services

While both SEO and PPC deliver result’s for business, there is often a debate around whether Search Engine Optimisation is better. Granted over time it is inexpensive and can produce better long-term results. Both solutions can assist in creating traffic to a website. However, both solutions take time to set up correctly.

To understand marketing techniques, you will need to understand paid search as a major contender in online traffic generation. It is our view that SEO is better in the long term and this is why.

PPC/Paid Search

PPC stands for pay per click, so a person clicks on your PPC ad, you pay for the click. In this marketing solution, you are submitting bids for keywords within search engines. Search engines will send you traffic based on when a person clicks on your advertisements.

For this solution to work, a budget is required for keywords that you want to bid on. Once you bid on a set of keywords, you need to set text advertisements to be listed ahead of organic search results. These will be in the “sponsored ads” locations of search results. Once your ads are approved, your ads will run.

Ads will run without fees until a person clicks on the links. If you link is clicked, you will be paying per click on your ad. This sends you direct traffic from Google if you use AdWords. When your budget diminishes, your ads will no longer run.

On the positive side, you will get clicks on your ads which will take visitors to your website. The downside of this method is that you have to pay for every click, so there is a long term financial outlay which can be costly for the more competitive keywords.

SEO Options

Search engine optimisation or SEO is cost-effective and works overtime. When your budget within PPC had been used, you will receive no more traffic. With SEO, once you implement a good SEO strategy, your site will appear high in the search results and you can receive clicks without having to pay for them, unlike PPC.

SEO thrives over time, and with a good SEO agency implementing a slick strategy, your customer base will increase naturally.

A good SEO strategy involves many elements, including the following:

  • Content marketing
  • On-page SEO
  • Back-Link generation
  • Video marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Online Branding

There are several components to search engine optimization. Each piece helps with creating targeted traffic within Google and other search engines.

Is SEO Better Than PPC?

SEO is focused on several different several components that build towards getting targeted traffic. Targeted traffic to your website without having to spend per click means that SEO is the superior of the two strategies. Implemented in the right way, you can eclipse the traffic you’d get with PPC at a fraction of the cost.

Current research indicates that marketing firms spend upwards of 45% of their budgets on search engine optimization over PPC solutions. Both solutions are effective. However, SEO costs less and is in line with what Google demands their rankings.


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